9th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC)
March 19, 2014 - March 21, 2014
Venue: Glasgow, Scotland
Our renowned series of European Breast Cancer Conferences (EBCC) provide a unique multidisciplinary setting for all professionals with a common interest in breast cancer to navigate, discuss, inform and educate themselves about this evolving disease landscape; to debate and deliberate about new data and developments; and to establish what it means for patient treatment and care. Even more importantly, the 9th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC9), the largest Breast Cancer Conference outside the USA, will enable participants to implement the new findings into their daily practice, making a tangible difference for their patients. This will be the core focus of EBCC9, in Glasgow, Scotland from 19 to 21 March, in 2014.
More information on EBCC 9 website
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