Clinical Trial Details


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Intravenous low-dose decitabine versus supportive care in elderly patients with primary Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) (>10% blasts or high-risk cytogenetics), secondary MDS or Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML) who are not eligible for intensive therapy: an EORTC-German MDS Study Group randomized phase III study.

Study documentation

Trial Status All trial activities ended
Dates Date of activation: 23-May-2002
Date Step1 close: 01-Jun-2007
Data management at EORTC Yes
Design Phase 3
Randomized open label
Targeted Sample size EORTC Groups: 220
Study Staff
Type of cancer
Participating groups
Protocol summary
NCT number NCT00043134
EudraCT 2005-002830-36