EORTC plays a major role at European and national levels to alert regulators to the need for independent clinical research conducted without commercial aims. EORTC also works with patient advocacy groups to ensure the European regulatory environment is conducive to patient-centred clinical research that benefits their quality of life.
As a key player in clinical research and oncology, EORTC is often invited to take part in EU-level discussions to influence European regulation or the research agenda. Some notable examples include:
- The role played by EORTC regarding the implementation of regulations which will apply to clinical research: the clinical trial regulation, the in vitro diagnostic regulation and the data protection regulation
- EORTC is often asked to share its expertise and vision for an optimal EU framework for clinical research at events such as those organised by the European Association for Personalised medicine (EAPM)
- EORTC issues oral and written opinions on documents circulated by EU official bodies such as the European Medicine Agency (EMA) and the EU commission, either alone or jointly with other parties.
- EORTC sits on the EU Expert Group on Cancer Control, which assists the European Union Commission and Commission Services in drafting legal instruments, policy documents, guidelines and recommendations on cancer control.
EORTC plays an active part or has a grant from a number of EU-initiated programmes such as Joined Actions, European Reference network, IRDiC and IMI.