History Timeline
Over the years, EORTC’s clinical research has helped make significant progress in the treatment and management of cancer, evaluating new molecules, refining existing treatment regimens, identifying biomarkers and assessing patients’ quality of life.
Many of our 1600+ studies in the past 60 years have resulted in practice-changing treatments and the establishment of new standards of care, or shown that others are ineffective or redundant.
Georges Mathé (President: 1962 -1965)
Villejuif - France
Founded as an international organisation under Belgian law as Groupe Européen de Chimiothérapie Anticancéreuse (GECA)
Silvio Garattini (President: 1965-1968)
Milan - Italy
Launched European Journal of Cancer, an international multidisciplinary oncology journal, together with the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO), the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA)
Silvio Garattini (President: 1965-1968)
Milan - Italy
Changed its name to European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
D. Willem van Bekkum (President: 1969-1975)
Rijswijk - Netherlands
D. Willem van Bekkum (President: 1969-1975)
Rijswijk - Netherlands
Opened the NCI liaison office within the EORTC premises
D. Willem van Bekkum (President: 1969-1975)
Rijswijk - Netherlands
Established the EORTC Data Center (today EORTC headquarters) to provide methodological and coordinating services by clinical research specialists to EORTC groups
Henri Tagnon (President: 1975-1978)
Brussels - Belgium
Henri Tagnon (President: 1975-1978)
Brussels - Belgium
Created EORTC Foundation (today EORTC Cancer Research Fund)
Lazlo George Latja (President: 1979-1981)
Manchester - United Kingdom
Carl Gottfried Schmidt (President: 1981-1984)
Essen - Germany
Umberto Veronesi (President: 1985-1988)
Milan - Italy
Louis Denis (President: 1988-1991)
Antwerp - Belgium
Emmanuel Van der Schueren (President: 1991-1994)
Leuven - Belgium
Prof. Françoise Meunier appointed Director at the EORTC Headquarter
Royal decree under Belgium law allowing EORTC Fellowship Programme
Emmanuel Van der Schueren (President: 1991-1994)
Leuven - Belgium
Created the Quality of Life department at EORTC, and introduction of EORTC QLQ-C30, the first validated general cancer Quality of Life questionnaire for cancer patients. In our experience, measurement system is now the most frequently-used QoL questionnaire in cancer clinical trials worldwide
Gordon McVie (President: 1994-1997)
London - United Kingdom
Gordon McVie (President: 1994-1997)
London - United Kingdom
Prof Françoise Meunier appointed first EORTC Director General
Gordon McVie (President: 1994-1997)
London - United Kingdom
Created the Regulatory department
Jean-Claude Horiot (President: 1997-2000)
Genolier - Switzerland
Created the EORTC Pharmacovigilance department
Allan T. van Oosterom (President: 2000-2003)
Leuven - Belgium
Alexander M. Eggermont (President: 2003-2006)
Villejuif - France
Alexander M. Eggermont (President: 2003-2006)
Villejuif - France
Created the EORTC Academic fund to support non-commercial pivotal clinical trials
Martine Piccart (President: 2006-2009)
Brussels - Belgium
Martine Piccart (President: 2006-2009)
Brussels - Belgium
Established of the EORTC Network of Core Institutions
Martine Piccart (President: 2006-2009)
Brussels - Belgium
Introduced EORTC Radiotherapy Quality Assurance
Jean-Yves Blay (President: 2009-2012)
Lyon - France
Created EORTC Imaging Platform
Jean-Yves Blay (President: 2009-2012)
Lyon - France
Developed specific methodology for clinical trials in the elderly
Jean-Yves Blay (President: 2009-2012)
Lyon - France
- Strategy shift led to new cross-discipline programmes such as SPECTA for translational research and Survivorship for outcomes research
- In partnership with Alliance Boots, launched SPECTAcolor programme for research in advanced colorectal cancer
Roger Stupp (President: 2012-2017)
Chicago - United States
- Held first EORTC Cancer Survivorship Summit
- Selected to join EU Expert Group on Cancer Control
Roger Stupp (President: 2012-2017)
Chicago - United States
Prof Denis Lacombe appointed Director General of the EORTC Headquarters and Prof. Françoise Meunier as Director Special Projects
Roger Stupp (President: 2012-2017)
Chicago - United States
- Established central biobanking system to support precision medicine clinical research
- Entered a landmark collaborative agreement with the Japan Clinical Oncology Group
Bertrand Tombal (Past President: 2017-2021)
Brussels - Belgium
Winette van der Graaf (President: 2022-current)
Amsterdam - Netherlands