The global agenda of the EORTC to interact with competent regulatory bodies is a recognition for its abilities and knowledge in the field of cancer clinical research. It is being made possible due to its independence.
European Medicines Agency (EMA)
EORTC contributes to many EMA events by providing expertise in clinical research methodology. An EORTC statistician sits on the EMA Scientific Advisory Group (SAG). EMA is also a partner of the EORTC regulatory sciences meeting, known as Innovation for Biomarker and Cancer Drug Development (IBCD).
European Commission
EORTC interacts closely with varying EU Directorate-General departments (DGs) as needed, especially for implementing EU regulations.
Health Technology Assessment bodies
As a clinical research expert organisation, EORTC looks to establish areas of mutual understanding and concrete collaboration with national and international HTA bodies such as EUnetHTA.
National governments and agencies
On a case-by-case basis, EORTC directly interacts with governments, drug agencies or health ministries on specific projects, more general advice or implementing regulations.