
Newly founded EORTC Endocrine Tumors Task Force

A newly founded EORTC task force, the Endocrine Tumors Task Force (EnTF) is taking shape at the EORTC. This task force will have an estimated potential access to more than 2000 thyroid carcinomas and over 600 adrenal cancers every year. The EnTF currently involves institutions in Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Switzerland, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, and Slovenia, and it is continuing to expand throughout Europe.

Within EnTF there will be a fair balance of endocrinologists and oncologists, and the EnTF will benefit from existing EORTC scientific expertise and operational support. Specifically, the EnTF will have access to radiation oncologists, imagers, head and neck specialists, and pathologists among others. In addition they will have access to expert review provided by the EORTC New Drug Advisory and Translational Research Advisory committees. The EORTC has extensive experience in European and transatlantic collaborations and can provide scientific and operational support including methodology and biostatistical expertise, regulatory affairs, Pharmacovigilance, and access to biorepositories and an in-house imaging platform.

The Endocrine Task Force objectives are to run academic studies in thyroid and adrenal gland malignancies, conduct strong integrated translational research to identify new targets and biomarkers, and build efficient platforms/databases to help knowledge development to optimize treatment.

This new task force within the EORTC Clinical Research Division is chaired by Prof. Martin Schlumberger, who is organizing the 14th International Thyroid Conference which will be held in Paris from 11-16 September 2010.

For more information about the EnTF contact Dr. Denis Lacombe, MD, MSc Scientific Director EORTC,

Denis Lacombe

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