
Methodologies for conducting trials and other studies, including data handling and analysis at ESTRO-EORTC workshop

The EORTC contributes to ESTRO 36, Europe’s largest conference in radiation oncology in Vienna, Austria on Friday, May 5th with a pre-congress course/workshop which will be held from 13.30 – 18.00 in Galleria 11-12.

The workshop will be chaired by Denis Lacombe (EORTC Director General) and Vincent Grégoire (Chair of the Head and Neck Group and member of the Radiation Oncology Group).
Our workshop offers the opportunity to learn from experts about current views on conducting radiation oncology studies as well as data handling and analysis, building from the past into the future.

Laurence Collette (Belgium), an expert in statistics, clinical trials and epidemiology will explain the specificities of radiotherapy studies; which designs and endpoints are preferably used or not.

Michael Baumann (Germany), a radiation oncologist specialized in thoracic tumours, head & neck cancer, and translational radiation oncology will talk about studies with new radiation technologies.

Eric Deutsch (France), Head of the Radiotherapy Department of Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus in Paris, will detail the methodological aspects of studies using the combination of medication and radiation.

After the break, recycling of old studies will be discussed. It will be explained how data from the past can be used to inform about current treatments:

Maja Maraldo (Denmark), a resident in clinical oncology, will illustrate this by means of her experience in lymphoma.

Mirjam Mast (The Netherlands), experienced in research & development in radiotherapy, will share her experience in early breast cancer.

Conny Vrieling (Switzerland), a radiation oncologist, will talk about the outcome after first local failure in early breast cancer, in long-term survivors of radiation.

This session will be closed with a discussion with all speakers.

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