
EORTC launches a new website

As recently announced in the newsletter of April 20th, 2017 the new EORTC website is now launched; in 3 clicks maximum, more structured information will be easily accessible. Of course this is not the only innovation. The new navigation style will now optimally direct visitors to key EORTC activities and research programs. A yearly Progress & Activity report conveying information about EORTC’s activities and accomplishments in 2016 complements this brand new image.

EORTC, a unique international clinical research infrastructure supporting a multidisciplinary network of investigators and scientists, is recognized as a hub of expertise, building on innovative and rigorous methodological research to run impactful clinical research in cancer, developing knowledge and validating new therapeutic strategies towards the same goals: prolonging survival and improving quality of life. The new EORTC website will even more clearly highlight EORTC’s achievements and contributions to the management of all cancers, frequent or rare, leaving no one behind and always pushing forward the standards of care. Taking this into account, the new restyled website, now more oriented towards all types of visitors, aims to:

  • Increase traffic from people interested in cancer research (potential partners/sponsors, investigators, scientists, donors, media, (prospective) employees, doctors, etc.)
  • Improve awareness amongst stakeholders of the EORTC agenda
  • Inform on forms and the methods that EORTC has selected to achieve its mission
  • Support the deployment of new partnerships
  • Facilitate access to information, critical to those who want to work with EORTC as well as those who want to support the mission of EORTC.

Attraction, clarity, accuracy, building on search engine positioning (SEO) as well as ensuring multiple access to the same source of information have been the pillars of the new concept for the EORTC website, ensuring agility of navigation.

More practically, patients and treating physicians will also be able to access the latest information about ongoing trials, latest publications, innovative research programs and many other types of information, thanks to two new entirely redesigned tools which are the Bibliography and the Clinical Trials tools.

This is a new start, not an end! Therefore, to ensure the EORTC continues efficiently to serve the scientific and patient community, the website will continuously evolve under the supervision of a Web Committee ensuring its maintenance and accuracy. It is our pleasure to invite you to explore the EORTC brand new website!

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