

The EORTC will present 14 abstracts at ISOQOL 2017 which will be held 18-21 October 2017  in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. 6 abstracts will be presented in Oral Sessions and 8 in Poster Sessions.

These presentations are on behalf of or funded by the EORTC QLG and we are proud to see that EORTC has such a record number of abstracts selected for the ISOQOL 24th Annual Conference.

These abstracts are a perfect illustration of the rapid increase in research and success of collaboration between the EORTC Quality of Life Group, the department, the EORTC Disease-Oriented Groups and other important international collaborators.

Oral presentations

  • Time to health-related quality of life score deterioration at 1-year follow-up after immediate latissimus dorsi breast reconstructions: a prospective study in breast cancer.

Oral session 207: Clinical Conditions II
Time: Friday October 20, 4:34 to 4:47 pm
Location: Innovation, 3rd floor
Authors: Emilie Charton, Amélie Anota, Franck Bonnetain, Zoe E. Winters

  • Selection of anchors for the EORTC QLQ-C30 scales in adjuvant melanoma studies: on Behalf of the EORTC melanoma Group and EORTC Quality of Life Department Oral presentation

Oral session 202: Cancer II: Measures for General Populations
Time: Friday October 20, 2:19 to 2:32 pm
Location: Grand D, 2nd floor
Authors: Frederic Fiteni, Jammbe Musoro, Corneel Coens, Mirjam A. Sprangers, Alexander Eggermont, Andrew Bottomley, Yvonne Brandberg.

  • Evidence-based approach to determine meaningful change in HRQOL scores of the EORTC QLQ-C30 in adjuvant melanoma cancer: on Behalf of the EORTC Melanoma Group and EORTC Quality of Life Group Oral presentation

Oral session 105: Meaningful Differences for General Populations
Time: Thursday October 19, 5:11 to 5:24 pm
Location: Grand ABC, 2nd floor
Authors: Jammbe Musoro, Corneel Coens, Divine Ediebah, Alexander Eggermont, Henning Flechtner, Eva Greimel, Mogens Groenvold, Madeleine King, Jaap C. Reijneveld, Egbert Smit, Mirjam A. Sprangers, Roger Stupp, Martin Taphoorn, Galina Velikova, Efstathios Zikos, Yvonne Brandberg, Kim Cocks, Andrew Bottomley.

  • Development of thresholds for clinical importance for the EORTC quality of life measures Oral presentation

Oral session 202: Cancer II: Measures for General Populations
Time: Friday October 20, 3:01 to 3:14 pm
Location: Grand D, 2nd floor
Authors: Fanny Loth, Bernhard Holzner, Neil Aaronson , Juan Arraras , Fabio Efficace , John Ramage , Mogens Groenvold , Jacobien Kieffer , Morten Petersen , Krzysztof Tomaszewski , Teresa Young , Johannes Giesinger

  • The EORTC QLU-C10D Utility Project – Interim Evaluation and Comparison Across Countries.

Oral session 203: Health Utility Measurement I
Time: Friday October 20, 2:33 to 2:46 pm
Location: Innovation, 3rd floor
Authors: Georg Kemmler, Eva Gamper, Virginie Nerich, Richard Norman, Madeleine King, Bernhard Holzner

  • First results of a 15,000 person population survey to establish European norm data for the EORTC Computer-Adaptive Test QLQ-CAT.

Oral session 202: Cancer II: Measures for General Populations
Time: Friday October 20, 2:05 to 2:18 pm
Location: Grand D, 2nd floor
Authors: Sandra Nolte, Gregor Liegl, Morten Petersen, Neil Aaronson, Anna Costantini, Peter Fayers, Mogens Groenvold, Bernhard Holzner, Colin Johnson, Georg Kemmler, Krzysztof Tomaszewski, Annika Waldmann, Teresa Young, Matthias Rose

Poster Presentation

  • Generation of evidence to support the content validity of legacy quality of life instruments: EORTC QLQ-C30 case study: on Behalf of the EORTC Quality of Life Group

Time: Friday October 20, 3:35 to 4:10 pm
Location: Columbus Ballroom, 2nd floor
Authors: Kim Cocks, Chloe Tolley, Laura Grant, Sally Wheelwright, Krzysztof Tomaszewski, Mogens Groenvold, Andrew Bottomley, Deborah Fitzsimmons, Galina Velikova, Simone Oerlemans, Juan Arraras, Neil Aaronson, Colin Johnson.

  • Pre-Testing of the EORTC Satisfaction With Cancer Care Core Questionnaire and Outpatient Module

Time: Friday October 20, 3:35 to 4:10 pm
Location: Columbus Ballroom, 2nd floor
Authors: Amélie Anota, Anne Brédart, Teresa Young, Krzysztof A. Tomaszewski, Juan Ignacio Arraras, Hugo Moura De Albuquerque Melo, Liz Friend, Heike Schmidt, Mia Bergenmar, Anna Costantini, Vassilios Vassiliou, José Hureaux, Frédéric Marchal, Iwona M. Tomaszewska, Wei-Chu  Chieo, Thierry Conroy, John Ramage, Ariane Beaudeau, Franck Bonnetain, Dagmara Kulis,  Neil K Aaronson, on behalf of the EORTC QLG group

  • Translatability assessment of the EORTC breast cancer questionnaire QLQ-BR23 update

Time: Saturday October 21, 9:45 to 10:15 am
Location: Columbus Ballroom, 2nd floor
Authors: Dagmara Kulis, Cheryl Whittaker, Andrew Bottomley, Sandra Nolte, Vesna Bjelic-Radisic

  • Test-retest reliability of discrete choice experiments for valuations of QLU-C10D health states Poster

Time: Friday October 20, 10:35 to 11:10 am
Location: Columbus Ballroom, 2nd floor
Authors: Eva Gamper, Fanny Loth, Bernhard Holzner, Madeleine King, Virginie Nerich, Richard Norman, Rosalie Viney, Georg Kemmler

  • Concordance between patient reported and clinical outcomes in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of cancer treatment Poster

Time: Friday October 20, 3:35 to 4:10 pm
Location: Columbus Ballroom, 2nd floor
Authors: Efficace F, Aaronson N, Sparano F, Sprangers M, Fayers P, Pusic A, Anota A, Cottone F, Rees J, Deliu N, Piciocchi A, La Sala E, Haas A, Kieffer J, Wang W, Pezold M, Fuzesi S, Isharwal S, Yeung J, Wan C, Blazeby J, On behalf of GIMEMA and EORTC Quality of Life Group.

  • Quality of Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Reporting in Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) over time. Evidence from 480 RCTs from 2004 to 2016 Poster

Time: Saturday October 21, 3:20 to 3:50 pm
Location: Columbus Ballroom, 2nd floor
Authors: Efficace F, Aaronson N, Sparano F, Sprangers M, Fayers P, Pusic A, Haas A, Piciocchi A, La Sala E, Anota A, Cottone F, Deliu N, Rees J, Kieffer J, Wang W, Pezold M, Fuzesi S, Isharwal S, Yeung J, Wan C, Blazeby J, On behalf of GIMEMA and EORTC Quality of Life Group.

  • Type and Magnitude of EORTC QLQ-C30 Outcomes in Cancer Clinical Trials Poster

Time: Friday October 20, 3:35 to 4:10 pm
Location: Columbus Ballroom, 2nd floor
Authors: Efficace F, Aaronson N, Sparano F, Sprangers M, Fayers P, Pusic A, Haas A, Anota A, Cottone F, Deliu N, Rees J, Kieffer J, Wang W, Fuzesi S, Isharwal S, Yeung J, Wan C, Blazeby J, On behalf of GIMEMA and EORTC Quality of Life Group.

  • Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) in Randomized Controlled Trials of Colorectal Cancer. Methodological Quality of Reporting Over Time Poster

Time: Thursday October 19, 10:10 to 10:45 am
Location: Columbus Ballroom, 2nd floor
Authors: Sparano F, Rees J, Blazeby J, Pezold M, Pusic A, Aaronson N, Sprangers M, Fayers P, Deliu N, Anota A, Efficace F, On behalf of GIMEMA and EORTC Quality of Life Group.

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