
EORTC abstracts selected at EBCC-12 Virtual Congress

3 EORTC abstracts were selected for the 12th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-12) that will take place virtually on 2-3 October 2020.

Plenary Session

Keynote Lecture, Best and Late Breaking Abstract Presentations

Clinical Utility of MammaPrint testing in Invasive Lobular Carcinoma: Results from the MINDACT phase III trial

  • Presentation number: ORAL-007
  • Date: 2 October 2020, 13:50-14:00
  • Speaker: Otto Metzger (USA)

Proffered Papers Session

Updated results of the MINDACT trial: 70-gene signature to guide de-escalation of chemotherapy in early breast cancer

  • Presentation number: ORAL-021
  • Date: 3 October 2020, 13:00-13:10
  • Speaker: Emiel Rutgers (The Netherlands)

Screen-detected breast cancers have different tumor biology and better prognosis compared to interval breast cancers

EBCC-12 is a breast cancer conference where the very latest practice-changing research is presented. It aims to provide a unique multidisciplinary setting for all professionals with a common interest in breast cancer to discuss, debate, inform and educate themselves about this evolving disease.

To view the full two day programme, visit the EBCC-12 searchable programme.

Registration for the virtual event is still open. For further information click here.

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