
EORTC Quality of Life group selected abstracts at ISOQOL 2020

The 27th Annual Conference ISOQOL will take place virtually from 19 to 23 October 2020.

The EORTC have been lucky to have 12 abstracts accepted for the International Society of Quality of Life Annual Conference. This conference is one of the primer venues to have high quality research presented, and so we are very happy that the EORTC have had such a good success in 2020. Dr. Andrew Bottomley, Assistant Director and Head of the Quality of life Department says “it’s great that the EORCT has such a good publication record, and impressive to see the broad nature of the work that is being done across the EORTC”

(Please note that they are all on-demand sessions)



Symposium 2: Do you know what I mean? Interpreting PRO/HRQOL scores at group and individual level.

Date: 12:00 AM–11:00 PM Oct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET

Moderator:  Corneel Coens, EORTC HQ, Brussels, Belgium


  • Galina Velikova, PhD MD, Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James’s, University of Leeds, Leeds Cancer Centre, Leeds, United Kingdom
  • Madeleine King, PhD, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; Submitted on behalf of EORTC Quality of Life Group

Individual Presentations:

Interpretation of patient reported outcome data at group-level versus individual-level; can we use the same clinical meaningful thresholds for both scenarios?

Jammbe Musoro, PhD, EORTC HQ, Brussels, Belgium

Development and use of thresholds for clinical importance to facilitate interpretation of scores from patient-reported outcome measures

Johannes Giesinger, PhD, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Norm data for the EORTC QLQ-C30 health-related quality of life questionnaire based on 15,386 persons from the European general population, Canada, and the USA.

Sandra Nolte, PhD, ICON plc, Berlin, Germany


Symposium 9: Using the estimand framework to align study design and analysis with patient-reported outcome objectives: the times they are a-changin’

Date: 12:00 AM–11:00 PM Oct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET


  • Bellinda King-Kallimanis, PhD, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
  • Madeline Pe, PhD, EORTC Quality of Life Department, Brussels, Belgium

Individual Presentations:

An HTA perspective on the treatment policy estimand if the endpoint is repeatedly measured over time

Christoph Schürmann, Dr., IQWiG – Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, Cologne, Germany

Why & how to use time-to-event endpoints for COAs & how can the estimand framework help?

Rachael Lawrance, Adelphi Values Ltd, Bollington, United Kingdom

Applying the Estimand Framework to Describe Patient Experience While on Treatment: A Case Study

Mallorie Fiero, PhD, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States


Oral sessions

Use of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) framework to summarize symptomatic toxicities in the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Item Library

Date: 12:03 AM–11:00 PM Oct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7.03AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET

Session Details: Oral Brief Session 202: Methods I

Authors: Claire Piccinin, Andrew Bottomley, Mogens Groenvold, Dagmara Kuliś, Galina Velikova, & Alexandra Gilbert

Validation of a positive affect item bank – a supplement to the EORTC CAT Core

Date: 12:02 AM–11:00 PM Oct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7.02AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET

Session Details: Oral Session 105: Efficiency and quality in the development and application of PROs

Authors: Morten Aa. Petersen, Eva-Maria Gamper, Anna Costantini, Johannes M. Giesinger, Bernhard Holzner, Colin Johnson, Monika Sztankay, Teresa Young & Mogens Groenvold


Poster sessions

From item to interface: updating the EORTC Item Library using results from a qualitative content analysis

Date: 12:04 AM–11:00 PMOct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7.04AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET

Session Details: Poster Session: Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research I Presentation Number: 3174

Authors: Claire Piccinin, Dagmara Kuliś, Andrew Bottomley, Francesca Martinelli, Madeline Pe, & Mogens Groenvold

Evaluating the readability of the EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire QLQ-C30

Date: 12:04 AM–11:00 PM Oct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7.04AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET

Session Details: Poster Session: Qualitative & Mixed Methods Research II Presentation Number: 3193

Authors: Dagmara Kuliś, Anne Stone, Anne-Sophie Darlington, Andrew Bottomley

Clustering of EORTC QLQ-C30 health-related quality of life scales across several disease sites

Date: 12:04 AM–11:00 PM Oct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7.04AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET

Poster Session: Psychometrics & Statistics Presentation Number: 3168

Authors: Abigirl Machingura, EORTC – Co-Authors: Jammbe Musoro, Jolie Ringash, Mekdes Taye, Madeline Pe, Corneel Coens, Francesca Martinelli, Dongsheng Tu, Ethan Basch, Yvonne Brandberg, Mogens Grønvold, Alexander Eggermont, Fatima Cardoso, Jan Van Meerbeeck, Winette Van der Graaf, Martin Taphoorn, Jaap Reijnveld, Riccardo Soffietti, Galina Velikova, Henning Flechtner, Andrew Bottomley

Satisfaction with communication in cancer patients: the role of patient evaluation of their competence in communicating with healthcare professionals. An international EORTC study

Date: 12:04 AM–11:00 PM Oct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7.04AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET

Poster Session: Cancer Research in Older & Vulnerable Populations Presentation Number: 3054

Authors: Juan Ignacio Arraras, Johannes Giesinger, Omar Shamieh, Iqbal Bahar, Eva Greimel

Quality of Life in cancer patients: the role of the patients’ evaluation of the information

Date: 12:04 AM–11:00 PM Oct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7.04AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET

Poster Session: Poster Session: Methodological Considerations in Cancer Research Presentation Number: 3135

Authors: Johannes M. Giesinger. Juan Ignacio Arraras, Iqbal Bahar, Eva Greimel, Omar, Meropi Kontogianni. Maja Wolan, Yuichiro Kikawa, Dagmara Kulis

Development of an E-Learning Course on EORTC Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Clinical Practice: Rationale and study design of Phase I content generation

Date: 12:04 AM–11:00 PM Oct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7.04AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET

Poster Session: Cancer Clinical Care Presentation Number: 3019

Authors: Schmidt Heike, Wintner L.M., Roggendorf S., Nordhausen T., Dirven L., Taphoorn M.J., Verdonck- de Leeuw I.M., Velikova G., Bottomley A., Kulis D, Sztankay M

Creating User-Relevant Content for an E-Learning Course on EORTC Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Clinical Practice: Results of the Qualitative Analyses of Stakeholder Perspectives

Date: 12:04 AM–11:00 PM Oct 24, 2020 (US – Central) / 7.04AM Oct 24 – 6AM Oct 25, 2020 CET

Poster Session: Cancer Clinical Care – Presentation Number: 3030

Authors: Sztankay M.,Wintner L.M., Roggendorf S., Nordhausen T., Dirven L., Taphoorn M.J.B., Verdonck- de Leeuw I.M., Velikova G., Bottomley A. Kulis D, Schmidt H.


More information on ISOQOL 2020 website.

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