Pathobiology research at EORTC aims to identify and validate biomarkers across cancer types that can be used to develop new or more targeted treatments.
Main Achievements
- Received approval and began recruitment for phase I clinical trial evaluating the safety and tolerability of plasmid phIL12 gene electrotransfer in basal cell carcinoma patients of the head and neck region. This method is expected to markedly improve therapy response with the trial representing a significant milestone.
- The impact of liquid biopsies in different phases of the disease, with special reference to solid tumours (breast cancer, biliary tract cancers, anaplastic thyroid carcinoma) were comprehensively evaluated and published.
- Received first omics-based results highlighting the molecular features of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells with radiation resistance.
- Co-operated with industry on studies including: single cell genomics to identify CNVs predicting ckd4/6 resistance, and the role and possible use of immunomodulatory mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of COVID-19 disease financed by Slovenia’s research agency (ARRS) and industrial partner Educell, Ltd.
- Virtually hosted the International Conference on Cancer Metastasis with keynotes on the challenges of malignant disease progression. The conference aimed to build bridges between basic and clinical researchers with 300 participants from 30 countries. Many presentations highlighted the role of immunotherapy to improve treatment outcomes in metastatic cancer patients.
EORTC has implemented a cross group policy for biobanking
EORTC research has resulted in the clinical qualification of uPA/PAI-1 as a class 1 level-of-evidence biomarkers for the prognosis of node-negative breast cancer patients. These biomarkers were subsequently recommended by national and international guidelines.
It has also contributed to the validation of gene-expression profiles and to the discovery of mechanisms of breast cancer metastasis leading to more personalised treatment for this cancer.
In addition, our pathobiology research has guided the development of robust, reliable and cost-effective assays applicable for routine clinical testing.
Research Group
Johannes Haybaeck
Tyrolpath Obrist Brunhuber GmbH
Zams, Austria
Eva Martinez-Balibrea
ICO Badalona - Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol
Barcelona, Spain
Maurizio Callari
Fondazione Michelangelo
Milan, Italy
Network Coordinator
Gianmarco Contino
UHB - Queen Elisabeth Medical Centre
Birmingham, United Kingdom